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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Accessorizing Winter

June Cleaver vacuumed in her pearls for a very good reason. Accessories lift our spirits. Fashion perks up your day.

My love affair with the little things started in fourth grade, when our art teacher had us keep sketchbooks. I always drew the same pretty lady, never got beyond her. She had a stylin' updo, sideswept bangs, a skirt, a belt, fishnet stockings (fun and easy to draw, and this was Catholic school), dangling earrings and a pearl necklace.

Later I loved to accessorize Christmas trees. My favorite margin doodle was, and still is, a perfectly symmetrical evergreen, with the same number of ornaments on each side and a single star on top. Sometimes, candy canes, too, and wrapped gifts underneath. With bows.

Then there was Aunt Peggy, my beautiful aunt--married to my mother's youngest brother--whose accessories included a wealth of kind words, a pretty smile, a black dress and heels. And my sister, MaryAnne, who had real stockings and a genuine gold charm bracelet. And my mother, who once had a silver dress with a yoke of 70s, so spectacular. She also had a gold charm bracelet, pearls and perfume. And my best friend's mom, Mrs. C., who had a lovely peach kitchen, and, even on weekdays, slingback heels and sparkly rings.

As a teen cruising the Paramus Park Mall with friends on a Friday night, I seemed never to have enough money for a sweater or pants but would spend my last dime on colorful socks, or earrings from Bedazzled.

I once met a girl down near Atlantic City when I was visiting my boyfriend. She was dating his friend. I forget her name--Marta, Marnie?--but will never forget her matching manicure and pedicure. This was 1983. I still remember with awe how that glossy coral polish looked against her tan, and against the sand. Eureka! Cosmetics as accessory! Now I was on the road to something even bigger.

Really, what are stars except accessories that make the dark sky look prettier? What are the tulip bulbs we bury underground every winter but promises of color and joy to flatter the barren lawn when spring rises from its slumber and takes a weary look in the mirror?


  1. i bake my holiday cookies in a dress with pearls, heels and an apron. imagine my future mother-in-laws response to the first girl among her house of boys!

    definitely lifts my spirits!
