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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hello from the Crowne Plaza

H. and I are at a hotel in Fairfield, NJ for tonight--we got here after 11, after my plane landed. Figgy is at her friend's house, close to the high school, so she can walk there in the morning. Patsy and Andy have Sugar; Patsy told H. that the kids love having Sug there. I miss that Fig and Sug. Will see both tomorrow, can't wait.

We're waiting to find a place that will have a couple of rooms that all four of us can stay in, plus, ideally, a kitchen. I snore loudly and though H. can sleep through it, my "sawing wood" would keep poor Figgy up and she'd never be able to stay awake in algebra class, which she hates already.

H. has been in touch with the insurance agent....things are moving along. The tree was removed, the house has a tarp over it.

Almost Home
He did something really sweet. He set up this room like home, with the special family photos I had in the living room and my office. He set up my jewelry box, opening the lid, like I had it on my dresser--there's my pretty cocktail ring, gold with a light blue stone, that I bought at an antique store in Maine. There's my engagement ring, in the box and not on my finger because one of the emeralds popped out and went missing and we have to get it to a jeweler.

The man at the desk was very nice, too; even before we told him we were here because of a tree falling on our house, he gave us two coupons for free breakfast buffet.

Reality Check
I don't in any way think that living out of bags or suitcases or whatever, without all the comforts and privacy of home, will be without stresses. We will likely be on top of each other, and H. and I can be like oil and vinegar sometimes to begin with.
But I am grateful for tonight, for the ride from the airport and the photos on the nightstand.

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