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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Color My World

Who's afraid of color? I found this post on in
a post by Mark Chamberlain, interior and decorative painter. 
The blue on the walls looks like our new bathroom color.  
One of the best things about the tree falling on our house March 13 has been choosing new paint colors for our rooms. The old 1920s plaster walls were knocked down due to damage and new, smooth sheetrock walls went up.

Tuesday morning, H. and I met with Catherine Belisle, the chic and lovely owner of Rabbit Rabbit Home Decor in Montclair and her colleague, Kelly. I've wandered into the little shop on Valley Road often, to look wistfully at the beautiful, custom-made drapes that pool stylishly at the bottom, to feel the soft throws, and to occasionally buy something from the sale room, like gorgeous kitchen towels. The shop also carries those pricey, luscious candles that Oprah loves, and I sometimes buy one of those, too.

But now! Now! Catherine [dressed beautifully in a flared bottom skirt and blue ruffled cardigan, with amazing flat shoes with buckles at the toe] and Kelly [also stylish in a brown corduroy skirt, and wielding several color wheels] walked through our house between 8:30 and 9:30 A.M. and I think it is the best $100 I have ever spent. That is the hourly charge.

Figgy was at school, so Catherine and Kelly suggested she stop by after school one day with a favorite outfit or something, so they could help choose a color for her attic room.

This was all great fun. I would love to write much more about it now, but I have a date with H. to go to Target to get a pink bike!!!!!!!

We've given the painters all Benjamin Moore color names except for the kitchen [because we still have to choose floor and counters] and the exterior [because we might be married to the yellow we have, not sure].

Bathroom: Spring Sky, soft, kind of tropical blue-green to go with white beadboard vanity. I wanted a beachy feel.
Bedroom:  Glass Slipper, soft gray-blue to go with mahogany furniture--Catherine suggests white or cream bedding and window treatments. And one shade darker on the color strip, Brittany Blue, for our dressing room across the hall. [It was Figgy's bedroom. But our rooms are so small, we can't comfortably fit our dressers and a big bed in one room.]
Sunroom office: Jamaican Aqua, a couple shades less crayony than the Tropicana Cabana I had chosen the summer before tree fell. [Catherine says crayon is good for accents, a pop of color.] But Tropicana Cabana on the one wall behind the built-in bookshelves, which will be painted white.
Figgy's attic room: Outer Sphere, a soft kind of minty sky blue for what Catherine and Kelly said feels like a treehouse, with all the windows looking out over the trees.

I have to go get dressed and fit in a visit to my good Dad. More to come about this colorful journey. But I can't say enough about Rabbit Rabbit:


  1. Ooh I can't wait to see it when it's done!

  2. Pink bike? Please explain...

  3. Celia, thank will have to come see.....i loved seeing you tonight on St. Mark's Place! thank you. love alice

  4. Ok i know it is you, Anne Mernin!!!!!!! i will explain when i am good and ready to pedal over to Gordonhurst one day. love alice

  5. Pink bike sounds like a Bklyn glamour girl I learned about! Inspiration? Speaking of inspiration, what fun this color choosing sounds like!!!!

  6. Kim--Brooklyn glamour girl? sounds intriguing. who is it? i chose it because i have long wanted a cruiser bike, with bigger seat, upright handlebars and wider tires, so i can pedal to town for groceries etc...when the traffic is not too bad. pink is because i love Lilly Pulitzer; there is a Lilly bike too, but it's more expensive than the Target Schwinn, which I love. :)
