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Monday, September 27, 2010

Super Crank

The Weeping Willow, with a melancholy name but remarkable beauty. When I was a girl, there was one across the street, in the Licaris' yard. Its name always makes me think of my brother, Will--though he doesn't weep. Here in Clifton, there are many and they are beautiful. But what do I care? It's nighttime, so I can't see them. And I'm cranky.
Warning: Depressing Content. Proceed with caution. 
[Already ruined my own day. Don't want to ruin yours, too.]

Cranky. So very, very, very cranky. Mean. Mad. Don't like the woman I see in the condo mirror. She looks bad. Don't like her shirt, either. Ask me another day--tomorrow, even--and I might like it. But not tonight.

Hateful. Hard. Ugly way to feel. Not pretty at all.

Bread haze. Ate too much. Can't do that. White carbs=heavy haze.

Don't like myself, or anyone else. Even my best friend, the fluffy white ball of fur, is on my bad side. Poor Sug. What a hateful person I am, I'm even mad at her.

Rainy Monday night. Want to read, rest. Get lost in mindless TV, which I never do anymore. But must do some work first. Emails to send, messages to leave, things to print out.

Overwhelmed. Out of sync. Need a hand. But not drowning. Don't need hand to save me, just to know it's there.

As my mother used to say when feeling overwrought [I remember once near her white sliding-door closet in the bedroom], God give me grace. 

Sorry, I warned you. It must feel strange to read this stuff. Thank you for being there.


  1. You go, cranky woman. Honestly, sometimes you just deserve to rant and rave and what better way than here? You sorta deserve it...

  2. Hi Kim and Celia...thank you for listening. .......and being there

  3. Hope you're a little better this morning. Its a good thing... to acknowledge feelings. Remember, a lot of people care about you. Love ya. Linda

  4. thank you, Lin. i hope all is well with you and your family. love alice
