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Monday, April 18, 2011

Nothing + Everything

Everything and nothing. That's what I have to report.

Went back to Paterson, thrift-shopping with Anne, Nikki and Fig. [See Three Cheers for the Red, White & Blue.] Did the dishes--H. and I have been taking turns, and Figgy unloads the dishwasher the next day. Talked to Sis, walked the dog, made dinner and a pear crisp. Tracked my daily spending. Did some work, a good long interview, but not enough sleuthing for a broad sample of sources. Have much more to do for this week's deadlines. Googled, too, always a fun distraction [searched the Star-Ledger reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize].

I can't report the private stuff here, and it's of great concern. I hope this route is the right one. Angels, angels, come our way. I'll put my trust in your quiet wisdom--and Lord knows, the sound of your tiny wings flapping can be a great comfort.

Good night.

  1. PB on slice of toasted oatmeal bread.
  2. Boot camp in the park.
  3. Raked and hauled two wheelbarrow loads of leaves [45 minutes].
  4. Walked Sug around block twice.


  1. Alice,I have my own angel our daughter Mary in heaven.Whenever I have a problem my prayers are sent to her in the hope she can help.Will include you along with your cousin J.S.
    Happy Easter Aunt Ann

  2. Oh Aunt Ann. Thank you. Your daughter Mary in heaven must be really something, based on what I know of your lovely personality and kindness. Love to you, alice
