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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dream Roll: I Dream of Jeans

H. took Punch out this morning, Sug snuggled up with me--and I had time to dream.

Dreamt I put on my boot-cut blue jeans and they fit and looked good, to my amazement. Except I heard a tear and sure enough, when I had zipped the front, the seat had torn.

Relates to real life. I had to empty my big bottom bureau drawer to make room for a certain little someone's shorts, skorts, pants, socks, underwear. Bottom drawer held my long-ignored boot-cut jeans.

Figured I owed it to myself to see if they really do fit. It's a very real possibility. Kind of like The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, they're a pair of Gap blue jeans with stretch that I found in a Ridgewood thrift shop. I might look a tiny bit like a big-bellied plumber in them...but not really. Not with the right top and high sandals.

Enjoy your day.

Signing off from my workspace at one of the tables in Whole Foods West Orange...must go and relieve Elaine. H. at NY Public Library working. Thanks for listening.

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