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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rolling: Blue Jasmine

The best part about "Blue Jasmine": The clothes Cate Blanchett [left, with Woody Allen] wears so beautifully.

H. and I missed the boat with what was so great about this movie. It was sold out last night, so he went early today to get tickets to the 9:10 show.

We loved Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" but "Blue Jasmine" just felt so....artificial somehow. I love Cate Blanchett, but the acting here seemed overdone and just not believable. An alcoholic, pill-popping socialite on the brink of disaster when her marriage falls apart and her husband is revealed as a fraud who stole investors' money? It just didn't seem raw and real to me. Did like Alec Baldwin but didn't love him.

My favorite part: Jasmine's incredible clothes and Blanchett's unfailing beauty and style. The credits rolled quickly at the end, but I think I caught a special thanks to Karl Largerfeld for a Chanel jacket.

Jasmine may have been blue, but her wardrobe of ladylike camels, creams, taupes, ropes of pearls, Park Avenue pumps, birthday diamonds and tissue-thin white linens was impeccably smooth, rich and Grace Kelly graceful. Makes me A. want to be wealthy and B. want to go shopping.

  1. Support group.
  2. Walked Puff around block.
  3. Weeded and watered.
  4. Read and napped.
  5. Made salmon and vegs for dinner with brown rice and for dessert, juicy red watermelon chunks.
  6. Went to movies again with H.

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