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Monday, September 2, 2013

Article Archive: Save on Car Costs Article in September Good Housekeeping

The yellow circle refers to my article in the issue on sale now. I'd link to it but it's not online. GH is pretty protective of online rights, unlike, say,
H. and I went on a 2-hour date this afternoon. Browsing at Montclair Book Center, nabbed this great book of family recipes and desserts that will be Figgy-friendly. Photos look really good.
Want to go to sleep by candlelight. Good night.

  1. Carved out work time for tomorrow, with sitter coverage. Looking forward.
  2. Had a nice side salad and small portion of lean steak when out to early dinner.
  3. About to wash my face and brush my teeth.


  1. Alice, in the midst of all this turmoil, it seems like you have really changed your eating habits. Hooray for you! So easy to relapse when stress is high, and fatigue makes it so much harder to make wise choices. Hooray for you!


  2. Hi Nan. Turmoil is a good word. I marvel at you and all you have done. Thank you, I guess I'm making some good changes. Love alice
