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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rolling: "The Butler" and "Closed Circuit"

Personal story of butler who served in White House through crucial civil rights years--and quietly paved a path.
Last night, H. and I had a sitter for four hours, and we saw "Closed Circuit," a British thriller. Nicely woven mystery. Eight out of 10.

Tonight, after a long Saturday at the playground and helping Punch maneuver through some angry, tricky tantrums [at least I hope I helped, I know I tried], I sent her and H. to take a calm walk in a little nature preserve and to pick up Chinese food for dinner. Then I asked if he minded if I hit the 7 P.M. showing of "The Butler." [Oh, and another cherry on the day--which drove me to the movies-- was that I got asked, again, this time by a mother at the playground, if I was Punch's grandmother. The asker herself, may I say, had some gray streaks in her hair. Catty of me, I know.]

I really loved it. And I've been so disconnected from culture, I guess, since Punch moved in three weeks ago, that I hadn't even read or heard about it until Sis told me she saw it last night. I ate up the performances of Forest Whitaker as long-time White House butler Cecil Gaines; Oprah Winfrey as his wife, Gloria; Robin Williams as Eisenhower; John Cusack as Nixon; Minka Kelly and James Marsden as Jackie [pink suit] and John F. Kennedy; Liev Schreiber as Lyndon Johnson; Jane Fonda and Alan Rickman as surprisingly likable Nancy and Ronald Reagan. Oprah's wardrobe as a stylish woman through the 60s, 70s and 80s is kicky and colorful. The sit-in at the Woolworth's counter is so vivid and jarring. I've read about it a lot but to see it like this was another story. I'm wiser for it.

  1. Support group. 
  2. Got to see my friend Anne at the playground--chance to chat and connect.
  3. Broccoli. Proud. [vs. shortbread coins, not so proud].


  1. Glad that you got a little time to yourself. It can be exhausting... needing to supervise a person 24/7. Believe me, I know. "The Butler" looks really good. Love, Linda

  2. I've had the "grandmother" comment... about my TEENAGERS!!!!! It's technically possible, but not so likely. I really HATE it (can you tell by all the capital letters here?) Of course, my name is "Nan" and I discovered in England that means "Grandma".

    Yay for broccoli. Now you've got the added incentive of being a role model.

    Yay for getting away for a bit, too. While love is its own reward, getting away to breathe on your own is good, too.


  3. Yes, Lin, supervising is hard, as you well know. I hope Joey is doing okay. Sending love.
    Nan...i think that grandmother comment is just going to keep coming at me...oh well...and in Montclair, we have a lot of older moms so people should be more savvy/sensitive...thanks for noticing the broccoli. love alice

  4. p.s. Nan, I hope your family is doing well. :) and your work :)
