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Thursday, January 2, 2014


Couldn't bring myself to blog last night.....Punch was having tantrums, kicking my shins [with her boots on], walking on the furniture [with her boots on] and other pleasantries, all while our dear friends--with her young friend--had come by to visit. It was ugly. I felt/feel sad. Bewildered.

Plus, I was feeling crazy and depressed to begin with.

At my desk working now. About to make big mug of tea and carry on.

All I have is now. May the black veil of depression lift and the clear writing emerge, word by word, sentence by sentence.

Enjoy your day.


  1. where the heck did my comment go.... let's do this again ( and if it comes up again, please forgive me!). If this kid is not getting mental health services, throw your own tantrum until she does. She needs therapy and a medication evaluation. You could also probably benefit from parenting skills class or such a troubled little soul. Just because you parented another 6 year old successfully does not mean you know how to deal with this little one.

  2. We successfully fought and worked the system to get C. therapy 2x a week last summer. they were all for it on paper, but everything was moving slowly. F said to the social worker, "She'll be in college before you guys get this together!" Social worker said: "Mr. Ali you have understand we have channels to work up through." he said: "I understand and what I'm going to do is not meant to get you in trouble. But I'm working through channels, too, and I'm starting with the governor's office and working down." We got her therapy within a week. fight for this. It's exhausting, but it's more exhausting to have her needs (and yours) go unchecked. And, if you are getting services already, make sure they're good and enough.

  3. Hey, Kim. Thank you for caring, and for the note. Therapy has been in place but we are beginning to think it isn't effective and/or enough. The therapist comes to our home one evening a week--barring holiday weeks and snowstorms. I guess I better kick up some snow over this. thank you. love alice

  4. Rough times. I hope Punch (and you) get what you need. As someone who has been advocating for our (different) needs for 7 months to the state of NJ, be a squeaky wheel. It works... finally. Love, Lin

  5. So very hard to muster the extra effort to push for more help. I know. Love flowing your way.

  6. Can I just say how grateful I am for you guys? love alice
