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Monday, February 17, 2014

Fresh Air to Times Square

Punch with SpongeBob and Elmo today.
On the ferris wheel at Toys Us; $5 a ticket. Fun.

It was great to be away but the problems are still there when you get back.....we have a long row to hoe. Since we had to detour to NYC on the way home, we went to Times Square. We've taken Punch there before, but she's been eager to get back. Still, her young life hasn't been easy and it appears that even a trip to the toy mecca of the world can be painful and confusing if it churns up old memories and points up her losses. We saw tough tantrums and tears--and uncertainty. I want to go to the M&Ms store, but no, I don't want anything, let's leave. I want to go on the big ferris wheel, but no, not until Daddy meets us here...I want you to go on it with me and Daddy, but wait, no, I really don't.....okay, you can.

The one thing for sure is I want a hotdog with ketchup, cheese and sauerkraut and a hot pretzel.

It might be, I fear, as though I had vanished from Figgy's life [when she was 6] and someone else, no matter how well-meaning, took her to our beloved Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on the little rumpled redhead looking at cattails and fox trails and turtles without me or her Dad leading the way down the well-worn sandy paths.....

God, please walk this path with us. Please light the way for H., me, Figgy and, especially, Punch. Good night.

  1. I think I've had it with Queen Sugar again. Think I will cut out the white stuff again starting tomorrow. Valentine's Day and our anniversary trip are over. Enough is enough is enough. 
  2. Giant ice water and cup of green tea.


  1. I gotta ask, there any chance of Punch's biological mom coming back in the picture. I'm feeling fearful for Punch....

  2. Thanks, Kim....I will email or call you. love, alice

  3. Poor kid! I'm sorry your little getaway ended with a mad dash up the parkway ... but it sounds like you still had a nice time. And I'm really thrilled for Dan and his book!

    Let's try again to get together. I'm booked through the end of the month, then free!

  4. Hi Eileen. Thanks for the note and good wishes for Dan. Lets try for a day in March. Love Alice
