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Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Night Lights Out

I wish I had more to say but there is truth in beauty and beauty in truth. And the truth is, I just want to wash my face and get into bed. There were some spikes in bad behavior this week and I would like to calm down and rest.

Good night.

  1. Back to boot camp in the park.
  2. Took bus into NYC and got my fitbit back from the security office at New York Public Library.
  3. You must be tired of hearing this, but I'm planning to shun sweet treats again. It happened somewhere between the fig bars and the buttercream-topped, dark-chocolate-dipped almond round from Swedish-inspired FIKA* near Times Square today. What this means is no cake at the children's birthday party tomorrow, for starters. The thing is, I love sweets. But I realize that I cannot manage portion control. Too many dark [chocolate] temptations.
*Fika (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈfiːˌka]) is a concept in Swedish culture with the basic meaning "to have coffee", often accompanied with pastries. A more contemporary generalised meaning of the word, where the coffee may be replaced by tea or even juice, lemonade or squash for children, has become widespread. I bet my friend Kim knows about that--her family is Swedish!


  1. Me too, back off the sugar. I slacked off this summer, starting with ice cream and ending with a couple days of travel, filled with dessert buffets. My body does not want me to have apple pie and cheesecake on the same day.

    Happy you got your Fitbit back! Good stepping!

  2. Nan. I am so glad to have it back! Let's think of each other when we skip sweets. Love Alice
