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Friday, August 11, 2017

The Nauset Marsh Trail

Above, Punch and Sis on the beautiful, sandy, well-worn path behind the Salt Pond Visitor Center. We saw a baby bunny, a dead seal by the marsh [the circle of life, sad, but interesting to study], a graceful swan in the pond. After that, we had a busy day with different stops. I'm praying that Punchy is Ok. She has been pushing the envelope big time. Good night to you. TCOY
  1. That marsh walk. That view.
  2. Broccoli salad.
  3. Walked Sug and Butter.
  4. Washed my face w Aveeno; feels good after seeing so many Jennifer Aniston ads in mags. The foaming cleanser smells nice.
  5. Nice iced coffee from Sparrow.
  6. Bike trail w Punch before supper.


    1. Glad you are spending time with Sis in such a beautiful, meaningful place. (It just occurred to me that Sug and Butter, as you put it, sounds like the beginning of a cookie recipe). Love and miss you both. Lin
