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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Like Candy to a Baby

Even after my long career as a writer and editor, and staff jobs at top magazines, I'm working on a pretty detailed writing/edit test for a job right now. I don't want to say what it is in this public space; besides, I might jinx it!

A testing round is pretty typical in my field. This one is after an initial phone interview.

In the past, I have been asked to do detailed critiques of magazines; pitch story ideas; edit raw copy that came in from freelancers; write tweets. I still remember one of my first writer's tests, as a young woman, for Bride's Magazine....using words like frothy and lace [maybe a cloud of frothy lace]. I didn't get the job, but the editor said I came close.

Anyway, though today was a broiling hot, humid day, and I went to Starbucks after the block party to work in the A.C., and my computer keyboard froze, so I drove back and am now at Dan's desk on his laptop [thank God![], I love the topic for this test.....dishes and glassware, beautiful cake stands, home style and shopping.

If you read my blog, you know I love that. I am nothing if not an enthusiastic shopper and marketer.

So when Dan asked me why I was making calzones for the block party today instead of finishing the test--which is due tomorrow morning--I said

Dan, you don't understand. This is like you being asked to critique "Meet the Press."

He adores that Sunday morning TV show....

Must sleep to get up early and finish, to hand it in before noon.

Wish me luck. Thanks.

Good night.


  1. Luck! All the luck! AND your years of expertise and craft! Experience counts!

  2. Go, Alice! Cake stands and glasses are your thing! Of course I wish you luck!!!!! Love, Lin

    1. Thanks, Lin...I look forward to seeing you soon!!!! Love Al

  3. Sending tons of luck from India!
