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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Too Tired and Cranky to Write

But I trust all is well in your corner of the world.

Good night.

  1. Dressed up to work @ home, with blue crystal necklace and high shoes.
  2. Decaf iced skinny caramel macchiato; stared down moist Starbucks brownies artfully stacked on plate in glass case. Realized this: It's not that I can never have the brownies or cake pops. It's that every time I don't is one more time I'm not piling on extra calories and fat.
  3. Must have had a gallon of ice water.
  4. Finally got a med for a lab test my dr. has wanted forever. Seeing him Tuesday so taking med now and dragging self to Lab Corp in morning before boot camp. Don't know if results will reach his NYC office before my appt, but at least am finally doing it.


  1. Hi Lin.....yes, thanks...just general crankiness from heat and head cold and a lot of deadlines and appts. I shouldn't be cranky, but....I trust all is well with you? love alice xoxoox
