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Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy July

Been running around all day, counting two hours standing in line at passport office for Fig's passport. Plus all the last-minute shopping for a month away at camp: prescriptions, earphones, socks, camera batteries, eraser, pencil sharpener [for Figgy's art pencils].

Unfortunately, ate a lot of carbs to carry me though a frenzied day [1 slice pizza, five garlic knots, 1 Atkins chocolate-PB bar, a couple spoonfuls ice cream, a glass of milk with Ovaline, some crackers]. The irony: I end up carrying the carbs on my frame, not the other way around. But they are my fuel of choice. Too bad, maybe can switch that to protein.

Must sleep.

Good night.

P.S. There's a trendy silver necklace I really want to buy, for $32. I really shouldn't, but I really want to. Will sleep on it.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. Stared down Nutter Butters again. Good job!

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