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Sunday, January 29, 2012


Some people bother me so much. They disappoint me. I try valiantly to be and do my best but it's exhausting in the face of their difficulty. And I can't fix their problems. Still, they weigh me down. I'm not perfect, I know that, but their imperfections drag me down.

Good night.

  1. Biked to Mass.
  2. Napped, read.
  3. Walked Sug twice with H., once under pretty stars.
  4. Caught up with laundry.
  5. H. got ingredients and I cooked healthy supper--soup with white beans, spinach, fresh sage, hot turkey sausage [for me and Fig] and veggie sausage [in H.'s]. It was really good. Served with whole-wheat sourdough bread.

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