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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

  1. Information. Information is power. At least I'm telling myself that--but I think it's true. Even when it's scary and you wish to God you never had to face it, if a problem or danger exists, I suppose it's better to know than to stumble along in total dark. I guess it gives you the chance to help. If it doesn't totally deflate you first. How can a sailboat go forth, especially in choppy waters, with no wind in its sails?
  2. Ovaltine in milk.
  3. A dog who adores me.
  4. Dishwasher humming.
  5. Knowledge that I am not alone. We are not alone.
  6. President Obama's State of the Union address. I liked what he said, and was happy to welcome him, Michelle, Joe and Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Nancy Pelosi, the Supreme Court justices, chiefs of staff and others into my living room tonight. I also liked seeing what they were wearing. Noticed lots of pinks and fuchsias on the women in the crowd, probably to lift spirits. I plan to wear some pink tomorrow.
  1. Information. Information can be devastating. Especially when it's scary and you wish to God you never had to face it. Maybe it would be better to not know and stumble along in total dark. Because can you really help?
  2. No exercise today, not a drop.
  1. Had to tour a $6.9 million Bergen County estate at 11 A.M. today with owner, so I can write about it for a magazine, and I was having a very unfortunate hair and beauty day [see Bad, 1.]. The homeowner's hair and makeup were flawless, from jet-black eyeliner to fuchsia lipstick--and the home's beauty was breathtaking, too, from bamboo floors to spotless jewel-box powder room. I tried not to look when we passed the many mirrors.
  2. Very pedestrian diner burger and fries, eaten by myself next to a Dad and grown daughter who were out to lunch, just like Dad and I often were in New Jersey diners after his doctor's appointments. Missed him. Cherry on top: As I chowed down on burger deluxe, she had peppermint tea and salad with pita toast points, and he had egg whites scrambled with lox [No potatoes, the Dad said to the waitress.] Also ugly: The people who seated me were unfriendly. Usually the people who show you to your diner table and give you a menu can muster up a smile. This man didn't crack a grin, and the woman with the menu was positively icy. Baffling. I guess what can you expect when part of your job is spraying plastic-coated menus with Windex to keep them clean--as the woman was doing at the counter when I left.
  3. Stopped in thrift shop and it smelled depressing, like a forgotten old person's home, and the items were depressing, too. No treasures, just discards, remnants of lives gone by. A camel overcoat with a lining that was hand mended near the collar, dresses and glittery tops that once went to a wedding. Too sad to bear on a day like this.
  4. Oreos, though threw package out pretty promptly before too much damage done.
  5. Stress, strain, fear. Panic. Stark realities. Anxiety. Anger. Frustration. Worry. Fruitlessness, hopelessness. Helpless, powerless. Impatient. Fed up. Annoyed. Overwhelmed. Terrified. Watchful. Regretful. Resigned. Trying hard to see clearly.
  6. And broken, jagged fingernails, on top of it all, as if the rest of this list isn't enough. Grrr.


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