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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

X Marks the Spot

A strong, steady, even X for the positive things I did today rather than fall apart in the face of insurmountable odds:

X Boot camp in the park! Lots of sprints across width of football field, and runs up stadium steps. 
X Walked fluff ball on longish walk near hobbit house and later around block, too.
X Sent out another resume.
X 4 P.M., showered, shampooed and put on pink as a I promised myself in blog post last night--pink silk Coach neckerchief with navy-blue tank. I think it did lift my spirits and possibly also those of the people around me.
X Cup of hot tea around 4:30ish [influenced by friend/tea lover Kim].
X Worked on assignment.
X Healthy dinner--veggie burger on whole-wheat bun, fresh spinach salad, pickle. I swear that putting on the pink, etc. propelled me from one positive thing to the next.
X Small portion of good dark chocolate [and it's so midnight dark, that I wouldn't want to eat too much of it anyway].
X Wrote seven long overdue notes to friends. Feels good. Ready to go to P.O. tomorrow.

Good night and winging best wishes your way.


  1. I'm inspired by you (and your cup of tea) to turn this computer off and get to bed, too. I'm sleepy and will get more rest from a good night's snooze than more vegging out on the computer. Good night, my friend!

  2. Hi Kim...aiming for another cup of tea this afternoon! :)
