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Thursday, January 26, 2012

May the Force Be with You: The Power of Magazine Cover Lines

Editors spend a long time crafting cover lines that make you buy an issue.
Although I write often for GH, I don't have a subscription and should probably get one. I receive copies of the issues I have articles in, and the rest of the time, I just buy the ones I absolutely can't resist at the checkout line in Kings, my local grocery store.

I couldn't pass up the February issue [above]--promptly paid $3.49 for my reading pleasure. The cover lines that grabbed me:
  • Chocolate Heaven: 11 Desserts You'll Love [photography, styling and recipes are awesome --as is the story title, Dark Victory. Wow, what an enviably perfect title.]
  • 4 Haircuts that take off years
  • Best Products of 2012
  • Jennifer Hudson 80 lbs. Lighter! How she did it: family, faith--and her secret fat-fighting snack
As a magazine lover, I'd really like to hear about magazines you can't resist at grocery stores, airports and newsstands--ones with cover lines that grab you. What are they? My weak spots also include Vogue, Allure, Fine Cooking and Eating Well.
    Well, made Giada's chicken cutlets, steamed asparagus and baked four little cocoa cakes [three to give friends, one to keep] topped with the nice dark chocolate-peanut butter frosting from the Chocolate-Peanut Pavé cake recipe in this GH issue. And now I have a mountain of dishes and bowls. TCOY: Stared down pretzels and tortilla chips in store. Got salon blowout. Good night.


    1. I subscribe to Eating Well (love it), Bon Appetit (prob will let this lapse; so easy to get recipes on the web now), Edible Brooklyn (I used to subscribe to Edible East End and Edible Manhattan, but really the Bklyn one is the best and most useful to us!), New York Magazine (a must) and Martha Stewart Living (I use it less and less, but I have EVERY issue, so it's a sentimental constant). Also subscribe to NYTimes, so their Sunday mag is another enjoyed read, though I don't always get through it.

      In the salon and doctor's offices I look for Vogue, Elle and Vanity Fair. I esp like the front-of-the-book round-ups of what styish people carry in their purses or have in their homes or think is a must for the upcoming spring season, etc. I also enjoy Entertainment Weekly, and Real Simple; the latter, I used to subscribe to, but I let it lapse because I had too many mags to keep up with. But I still find it a fun read when I see it places.

      My dirty little airport habit is trashy celeb mags, esp Us!

    2. Hi, Alice,
      I don't often buy magazines, but my weakness is cover lines that combine fashion and 40 (or 50). I fight my tendency to dress either too youthful and unflattering - bright colors, sloppy lines - or boring in tailored neutrals. Also like mags for pretty people but a friend gave me a sub to EW and that hooks me up. Like house-y stuff too, but can't think of a good example. Unlike fashion which akways changes, I feel like I won't change my house that much.

      thanks for asking!


    3. O mag, Real Simple (which often disappoints by being TOO simple), and Dwell in the grocery line at Whole Foods. Except now I get O and Dwell on the iPad. I especially like reading mags on airplanes. Short articles for short attention spans.

    4. Hi Kim and Liz and Nan...thank you for the notes! Kim, I love those Edible Brooklyn, etc. magazines but don't subscribe...i've picked up Edible Cape Cod? {i think?} up on the Cape....and yes, Martha Stewart is so gorgeous and inviting, also hard to resist, very hard, the cover photos are superb......Liz, interesting, about liking the cover lines that combine fashion and 40 or 50....reminds me, i like the "beautiful at any age" cover lines, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60....and Nan, I forgot, yes, I find O and Real Simple difficult to pass up, too. While I really like O, I find it a lot to live up to somehow, like buying it and reading it means I will have to make some major life change or have a big aha moment :). And Real Simple, I'm drawn to the recipes/food and the lifestyle I would like to have...thanks again. alice
