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Friday, January 20, 2012

Mrs. List

Santa, the ultimate listmaker.

I jokingly call H. Mr. List, because he likes making lists and checking things off. Truth be told, some of his to-do goals are really lofty--like Publish a book!!!--but then darn if he doesn't eventually run off and do them.

He teases me because I write down small and big chores--today's had things like Drive Figgy to school and Put on charm bracelet--minutiae in some ways, but big things in other ways if you're battling inertia. And sometimes, if I'm not looking,  he'll add funny items to my list that make me laugh, such as Go to the bathroom or Blow my nose.

As Sis and Moey have told me, making lists is productive because you feel better knowing you completed even ordinary tasks.

I do have seven check marks today. Not a bad start as I return to Mrs. List. Sleep well. I hope you're warm on this cold night.

  1. Pulled on leggings, laced up sneakers and took Sug for a long walk, up hill behind iris gardens.
  2. Lots of ice water.
  3. Really enjoyed firing up my oven and making Cafe Annie's Chocolate Cake, a recipe I tore out of Elle Magazine years back. It is credited to Robert Del Grande, Cafe Annie, Houston. Figgy makes the cupcakes to bring in for her friends, but tomorrow is her friend Nick's bday and she had a ton of homework, plus a group project, so I made them. There are enough left for my birthday on Saturday, too [in smaller sizes, quite inviting, and topped with pale yellow sprinkles bought months ago at Magnolia Bakery near Radio City]. The batter contains real cocoa, boiling water, earthy cinnamon and more--and far less butter than a rich devil's food cake I've made lately. The frosting is easy to whip up from melted chocolate and sour cream. Let me know if you want the recipe!

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