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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rays of Light

Grateful for good things. Sleep tight.

  1. Long walk in NYC from Port Authority [40th Street and Eighth Avenue] to Lantern, Thai restaurant on 18th Street and Second Avenue, to meet my friend Celia. So good to see her. It was a gorgeous, invigorating day to be at the foot of Manhattan's soaring skyscrapers, and after we ate, we walked over to Chelsea Market @ Ninth Avenue and 15th Street. I bought half and half in a glass bottle from Ronnybrook Milk Bar there. Old-fashioned fun.
  2. Loving the Mary Cantwell book.
  3. Straight talk to someone I love--though not sure it helped. Jury still out.
  4. Private Benjamin.
  5. Walked Sug around block once.


  1. 6. Resisted buying tempting-looking cupcake from any of the fab bakeries at Chelsea Market. Will save that for our next trip when we go to the Highline.

  2. Celia, you crack me up! But yes, absolutely true, resisted sweets @ Eleni's, Fatwitch Brownies, and the other was great seeing you. love alice

  3. I so love your New York posts, Alice. They always make me miss the city.

  4. Hi Eileen. How are you doing? Thank you for the note. :)alice
