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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another Saturday Night with H. Working

I can't complain about H. writing stories at parties on weekends--thank God he gets booked for this, because it supplements our income as at-home freelance writers. He left around 5:30 for NYC with his bow tie, spectator shoes, manual typewriter and a fresh mozzarella sandwich I made in the kitchen. He should be home in 25 minutes. He just called to say he was about to enter the Lincoln Tunnel.

Meanwhile, Fig and I walked into town and ate at the Thai/Japanese fusion restaurant on Valley Road.  It was nice to take a walk and have spicy Thai food and green tea. Didn't feel like standing at stove and making soup or pasta again.

Miss Sis--she's been on a jazz cruise to the islands with Don for over a week now, and I'm used to talking to her just about daily. She just texted, though: Wish u were here. I'm so glad they're getting a sunny break.

Good night.

  1. Went to yoga class with my friend Diane--packed house, teacher wonderful Joe.
  2. Caught up on phone with my cousin Lin.
  3. Scrubbed tub to a sparkle so bubble baths will feel good. Plus, it's just a productive thing to do.
  4. Washed face with Noxzema. Soothing, and transports me back to girlhood, when things were simpler--at least from this vantage point.
  5. Watched "Eat Pray Love" on TV [Encore channel] and liked it. Somehow couldn't get into book when I tried way back.
  6. The walk to town and back with Figgy.
  7. Ice water.
  8. Read!

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