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Friday, February 3, 2012

Humming Along

Have I mentioned how much fun it can be to write?

The magazine assignment I'm doing now has seven copy blocks, each with a targeted word count of 80 to 100. It's like a puzzle, and it's a can-do feeling when you find a way to say things clearly and colorfully in tight quarters. When you nail it, cutting through the extra clutter of words, streamlining the sentences, leaving the flabby casualties by the clicking the delete key.

Then have to write a story tomorrow about a fancy mansion, with professional tennis court, expansive guest wing and amazing two-sided fireplace [so you can see a hearth from two rooms]. Pretty cool. The owners raised their three [now grown] children there--each of their bedrooms has its own big bathroom, and the home boasts many other glamorous baths on top of those. So different from our cozy little 1920s house, with one bathroom total--we three have to jockey for position in line. But that's okay.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the soccer dome. Today we paired off and boxed!
  2. Walked Sug around block twice.
  3. Tackled big job of contacting insurance company regarding huge medical expenses that went uncovered. Grateful to have faced the music, started a new folder and plunged in. Had felt very overwhelming. Information is power. There are ways to wage a formal appeal. As freelancers, H. and I pay over $12,000 annually for our pared-down family medical coverage. You better believe we'll be waging an appeal. Bring it on, big shots.
  4. Read, short nap.
  5. A lot of veggies [lettuce, tomato, green peppers, onions] on Subway 6-inch sandwich.
  6. Going to bed to get up for 8 A.M. yoga class with my friend.


  1. Yes! The puzzle-piece writing--the best. Can be very fun. And go get them big shots. We all have a lot more power than we realize! Good luck!

  2. Yes, Kim, you know exactly what I'm talkin about....remember those WD layouts? Thanks for the note. alice

  3. I do! They taught me sooo much! I still do layouts with designers on many of the newsletters and brochures I write and Evelyn Grant's words to cut widows from close to the bottom of the paragraph so the designer doesn't have to re-rag the whole paragraph still rings in my ears!
