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Friday, February 10, 2012

Change Hurts

Going through some pain. Can't say much in this public space. Such is the nature of the blogging beast.

If things don't change, they stay the same. But does a rose hurt when its petals unfurl from that tight little bud? Does a tulip plant find it difficult to poke through winter-hard soil? Plants don't have feelings. People do.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park. Eric, Rebecca and Michael really crack me up. And Patsy inspires me to be my best.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. Chicken salad.
  4. Ice water.


  1. Yoo hoo, Alice -
    I'm a lawyer for the gov't, and my writing is very functional. But I'm of Irish descent and one of 8 kids, and most of us try to entertain when we talk or write. And then I fell in with the English major crowd - including K - in college, and we entertain each other too. Born in the Boston area, I have happy memories of when the worlds collided and the BU crowd met my family - lots of talk and laughter.

    I now live in MD just outside DC with a spouse and two sons, 16 and 19. I struggle with money, weight, career, marriage, parenting - and lose frequently. I'm friends with Nan, who lives nearby. I think your aspiration to be truthful in your blog, even when scary, is admirable and you achieve it.

    I generally read from my work computer, which I should not do, and so can't always comment. But I read all your posts, checking in several times a week. I am a little abashed at writing at this length, but you were very kind and I wanted to respond.

    I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now, and hope you can take comfort in the fact that, even to a reader hundreds of miles away, it is clear that you are not hiding from anything, have a lot going on several fronts, and make a big effort to be appreciative. All the best people are like that!


  2. Hi Liz......thank you again for writing. You are friends with Nan and friends with Kim....what a nice circle you have. of 8 My blue-eyed grandfather came over on the boat from Ireland...I'm 1/2 Irish 1/2 Italian and proud of both. Though I think it may be the Irish side of me that can be dark and moody, when it isn't sparkling over something. "Most of us try to entertain when we talk or write"--I love that. Thanks so much for your supportive note....the way you ended your comment......say hi to Nan when you see her. thank you for reading my blog and being there, Liz. love, alice

  3. P.S. Liz, our Figgy is in Boston this weekend. One of my husband's 4 older brothers [from Maine] takes his nieces/nephews there for a weekend when they are in high school. So Figgy is there with her uncle and her cousin, a boy she's loved since they were babies. She took the Amtrak there from Newark, which seemed exciting. How lucky for you to have been born in the Boston area and to go to college there...I told Fig to consider college in that wonderful town, too, though I know many schools there are pricey and hard to get into. :) alice

  4. I'm rooting for you, whatever it is....
