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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cleaning House

Been up to my elbows in an article about cleaning for HGTV Magazine. I'll tell you when it comes out. Let's just say I'm a lot better informed now about single-use toilet brushes and grungy kitchen cleanup.

Tonight H. and I went to the Montclair Art Museum with Figgy for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for young artists and writers. Fig won a Gold Key Award for a photo called Hardheaded and a Silver Key Award for a beautiful pink and lace dress she hand-sewed for the fashion design category. The gallery display was awesome, from paintings to drawings to photography by students in New Jersey towns from Cresskill to Princeton. What staggering talent out there. Blew us away. Truly, what fertile ground this is for teens and middle schoolers to express their feelings and visions. Seeing it all made me feel better about some things I've seen in Figgy's sketchbooks, some tortured struggles. Helped me put things in perspective a bit.

Fig wore a minty turquoise striped dress, fitted black jacket, high putty-colored suede booties, hair in top knot, vintage coal-black purse swinging from delicate double gold chains.

We are proud of our girl, even though, in the true teen dynamic at work in our home of late, she seems to hate us at least half the time. At least for now. And yes, in many ways we deserve it. We have let her down in areas that matter most. But we're trying to fix that. If it's even possible. Sigh. Would that it were as easy and straightforward as scrubbing a grungy kitchen. Bring on the magic cleaning spray for parents, for people. Oh, wait--maybe that's a miracle mix of goodness, grace and a brave, true heart.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the soccer dome.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. thinkThin chocolate espresso bar for snack. High protein, on sale at Whole Foods and doesn't seem to have 40 million ingredients, like some other brands. Also tastes good--though the peanut butter flavor is even better.
  4. Read.
  5. Good hair and tooth care.
  6. Private Benjamin with Figgy.
  7. Sent out more writing clips to new contact.


  1. Congratulations to Figgy! She is a very talented young woman. Love, Lin

    P.S. You and H. are wonderful parents. I am remembering a family visit when Fig was a preschooler. I marveled at your patience (both you and H.). And… I am sure that my daughter hated us more than half the time from ages 13 to 19, too. I don’t know where or how some parents get those “best friends” kids during the teen years.

    I know that there are other issues going on, but maybe some of it is run of the mill teen angst. Not that it makes it much easier, I know. Hang in there. Thinking of you.

  2. Lin, I was thinking of you. Teen Linda Garbarini surely would have been there, too, in a cool outfit and mod makeup. I was younger than you, but wish I paid closer attention to your fashion style back then. But then you were shy? or quiet? or only talked to Sis. I don't remember being together that much, but I'm sure we were. As I said, I remember going to the drugstore in Dumont and poring over the nail polish and makeup pads and I think getting you a soft round makeup pad [whatever you call it] one Christmas. You teens were a mystery to me. You are so awesome an artist. Some of Fig's eye must come from the same gift you were given. I wonder where Aldo got his artist's eye from.....did he ever say? love you and thank you as always for your supportive note. I hope we will all see each other March 10? love alice xoxoxo

  3. Ha! Thanks for reminding me of the 7-8 year age difference between us. Back then it was a lot. Now I'm just older than you are (wish I wasn't). I often wonder where/who my father's talent came from, too. But I love that Figgy draws and sews. That does bring back happy teenage memories for me. Love, Linda

  4. That is great news about Figgy's art. I took my kids to MAM last week and saw some of that art, it was fantastic - I'm sure I saw her photo. Some of those kids are so talented. You should be very proud - you deserve to be x

  5. Hi Lin. Hi Lisa...thanks for the nice notes!!!!! love alice
