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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just Watched Tory Burch Fashion Show on Livestream!

Straight from the runway this morning!!!! Fall 2012 as it happened, live in NYC, via Good thing I checked my email this morning and saw the announcement! [You can watch it, too.]

Loved it. Saw all the powers that be in the audience--there was Aerin Lauder, and I think I saw Allure E-I-C Linda Wells. We Tory fans were posting comments live on Facebook. Someone said they saw Anna [Wintour] leaving.....I missed her. [Now that I just watched the show again, tonight, I do see Anna and her perfect bob in the front row.]

So much to love this Valentine's Day:
  • Beautiful, slim, ladylike hairbands with tiny bows on the side--slid over pinned-up hair. Makes me long for smooth, slim hair to carry one off. Oh, hell, and a smooth, slim life to match.
  • Opaque cream tights.
  • Handbags with chain-link handles, the better to swing from your slender wrist. [Everyone's wrist is slender.]
  • The color plum! In clothing and tights.
  • Black with a shake of glitter.
  • A hint of matchy-matchy feminine in mod plaid-inspired pants and coat, with handbag in same colors. And a fitted black top to balance the plaid pants.
  • Metallic skirt paired with pastel pink top.
  • The lovely wallpaper on the set. Check it out.
Tory came out and gave a shy wave at the end. What a gift her design mind is.

Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. Yoo hoo-
    Lent is around the corner - drape all mirrors in purple, because none of us need unexpected sightings of ourselves... And I've with you in sighing over a sometimes rough and bulging life... but there's fashion! My days of cream opaque tights are behind me, but handbags and plum and metallics - yum, thanks for the glad tidings (and Happy V day!)


  2. Hi Liz. Happy Valentine's and thank you. Draping mirrors, great idea.....yes, fashion is a savior, for sure. thanks again for your note. alice

  3. Love reading your fashion copy, Alice! A treat!!! Happy Valentine's!
