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Monday, February 13, 2012

Lost in Space

Gorgeous image from
Another lost day. Figgy came home sick again--third week in a row that I've gotten calls from the nurse's office. This time, stomach upset. Fortunately, H. was able to pick her up. Then tonight I had to dash out to the store to pick up a spray bottle of Woolite Oxy Deep Carpet Stain & Odor Remover. You can fill in the blanks.

I think of myself as a good person, a good mother, but sometimes I lose my patience. Then I catch myself and try to take the high road. Or to stay on it. I am a flawed person. And I didn't like what I saw in the full-length mirror on Fig's wardrobe when I was down on my hands and knees cleaning the white carpet. I saw someone who was lost, still in her black workout pants since morning, messy hair, heavy heart.

The day was lost in other ways, too, like a leftover pasta haze, but found in the way of heating oil...the mail brought checks for both H. and me, for writing we were able to put $400 on our debit card toward a delivery [we have a nice phone relationship with Judy at Pierson Oil, who has a big heart, patience and a good listening ear]. Our burner is chugging away. Thank you, fate, and thank you, Judy.

Better days ahead. Good night.

  1. Boot camp with Patsy & Co. I didn't lose that! Though almost in anticipation of the lost day still to unfold, my body resisted moving. It was hard to do weights.
  2. Walked Sug around block once.
  3. Mailed a few cute puppy valentines @ the P.O.--reaching out to others with love feels like TCOY. When I lose myself, I can't do that. 
  4. At supermarket, bought a beautiful pink orchid for my office. And: picked up and put down butter cookies, chocolate sandwich cookies and Godiva chocolate box.
  5. Got fresh green beans to steam. Didn't do it. But picking out handfuls, paying for them and bringing them home counts, right? Hope to make tomorrow. Tonight it was easier to spoon into a cup of store-made creamy clam chowder and tear at a loaf of semolina bread [with butter].
  6. With Fig lying on couch, we caught up on a Desperate Housewives episode and best of all, last night's Pan Am.


  1. Alice, every person is a flawed person. You are much too hard on yourself.

    Does it make you feel better to know that I ate so many candy conversation hearts last night that I felt like I'd been drinking? :)

  2. Eileen, thank you for your kind words......and for bringing a smile....Happy heart day to alice
