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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Think Before You Chew

Fascinating article by Jeff Gordinier in today's New York Times Dining section about mindful eating. I tried to remember it when I ate two peanut-butter cookies in the car today. They were small.

I loved this wisdom from Dr. Jan Chozen Bays, pediatrician, author and meditation teacher in Oregon:

Sometimes, even she is too busy to contemplate a chickpea. So there are days when Dr. Bays will take three mindful sips of tea, "and then, O.K., I've got to go do my work," she said. "Anybody can do that. Anywhere."
Even scarfing down a burrito in the car offers an opportunity for insight. "Mindful eating includes mindless eating," she said. "I am aware that I am eating and driving."

Wow. What a great piece of journalism, and what a great philosophy for life. I guess maybe I better not mention that A. I'm planning to check out the new SoHo post of Georgetown Cupcake this week and B. Tonight I bought the ingredients to make the Dark Chocolate-Cherry Ganache Bars for my valentines. [I adore the title: Plain-Jane Cookie Dolls It Up for Valentine's Day. Brilliant.] Melissa Clark's recipe was on page 2, the cupcakes shown on page 5--both sharing space with Mindful Eating. What can I say.

Life is all about balance, right? Good night.

  1. Private Benjamin. Tough stuff, won't lie.
  2. Made healthy dinner, and that felt good. Have been failing on this count once too often.
  3. Walked Sug around block as snow fell.
  4. About to have a small bowl of plain yogurt with handful of blueberries and a little granola. Touchdown!
Goal: Long walk tomorrow. And another bowl of yogurt. And a turkey sandwich on whole-wheat.


  1. Mindful eating... read the article. Definitely sounds like something that is easier said than done! I am going to try it. Love, Linda

  2. great article. I also perked up at the plain jane chocolate bars!

  3. Ooh! Did you make the bars? Was the layer of shortbread the same thickness as the layer of ganache, or was the ganache thicker? And, were they delicious?

  4. Lin, mindful eating: definitely worth a shot and a more healthful way to live and exist, I'm sure. Far be it from me to really achieve it yet. Kim, I know, hard not to perk up between that alluring title and the photo and the charming story Melissa Clark wrote about the bars. And Anonymous, I haven't tried the recipe yet, b/c I want to make sure I can give them to valentines. I'm afraid if I make them too far ahead [even three days], they may mysteriously vanish before Cupid gets a shot. But last night at Whole Foods, I had great fun procuring the dark chocolate, the heavy cream, the Valrhona cocoa, the cherry jam....and the fleur de sel, which was pricy, but I figure that sooner or later, probably sooner, I need it in my arsenal. Thanks for the notes! alice
