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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Steering in the Dark

Figgy doesn't drive yet. She's 17, and some of her friends have their licenses, but we've been stalled for good reasons. We hope to get going soon.

Turns out the nighttime driver is often me...sometimes H. Like last night, when Fig had about 10 kids over after Battle of the Bands and made a giant chocolate-chip pancake @ 11 P.M. [we were on the way back from Saw Doctors concert in NYC]. I drove two of the boys home about 12:45 A.M.

Then tonight, a bunch of her friends were watching "The Shining" at her pal A.'s house and I chauffeured Figgy, two boys and one young lady home at 11:40 P.M. I'm getting to know more and more streets in town.

I usually take Sug with me for company. She's always eager to go. Secretly, I guess I kind of like getting to know the kids, even if it is late and I'd like to be asleep. I like hearing about their college plans, their high school classes [German, philosophy, science], their urges to strike out and move from Montclair. And by the time I nose the car back into the driveway, the block is dark. Everyone, it seems, is asleep. But one day all the little children living here will be teens and my neighbors will likely be doing the midnight vigil, too.

I'm glad I can be a witness to the lives of Fig and her friends. H. and I often say we won't just miss Fig next year--we will miss all of these kids.

Good night.

  1. Support group.
  2. Stared down Reese's peanut butter cups @ the A&P.
  3. Nap.
  4. Candles on the mantel and H. built a fire in the hearth.

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