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Friday, April 12, 2013

Texas, Here We Come

It's 1:44 A.M. and I just finished a giant work deadline and sent the file to California.

Now I can fly to Texas tomorrow morning! Moey will be at my house in five hours, at 6:45, and I haven't finished packing yet but have everything clean and ready to throw into my carry-on. I can sleep on the plane!!!

Tomorrow night we are going to a rodeo with Fritch! Can't wait.

I will keep you posted.

Good night.

  1. Made tilapia and rainbow chard for dinner.
  2. Made two calls for support.


  1. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time! Love, Linda

  2. Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to follow your adventures!

  3. Yay, travel! Yay, friends! Yay, good food that makes you feel healthy and like you are taking care of yourself!

    Love, Nan

  4. Hi Lin, Kim and Nan....thank you, thank you. love alice
