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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jersey Shore

Moey and I went to the Shore with our daughters for the day. It's something we've tried to do every summer for close to 10 years. [Moey's son, Kevin, used to join us, too.]

I'm tired and a little sunburned, so just a few random photos from Seaside Heights. I regret that I didn't get a good one of the four of us.

Crazy colorful stands, selling everything from lemonade to fried Twinkies.

Surfer after lifeguards left.

Stronger than the storm.

Good night.

  1. Important reading.
  2. Boot camp in the park.
  3. Time with friend.
  4. Napped, read and took dip at beach. Drank in beauty of ocean, with its depth, its changing tides, its unpredictability.

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