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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Article Archive: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Shop We Go

Here's a link to THE ARTICLE I WROTE FOR ASP1RE MAGAZINE about a cool vintage store in Gardiner, New York. The shop carries great timeworn treasures and new housewares, too, like pretty table linens.

I enjoyed my day there, when I went to meet the owner, Heidi, and take notes. It's easy to get lost in the past. And there's even a pantry where party planners can rent mismatched vintage dishes and silverware for barn and farm weddings.

Good night--to you. I'll be up crafting Anthony's life story. [Anthony is the former monk and successful businessman who has hired me to write his life story into a book for his family.]

  1. Good night's sleep.
  2. Met Lisa @ Java Love.
  3. Just made a list of everything I need to accomplish before leaving for our family vacation on Cape Cod this Saturday. Wrote it on pretty floral notepad from Brambles shop in Maine, and taped it to kitchen cabinet. It always helps me to make a list, so I can clear the decks and focus on work tasks at hand.

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