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Monday, December 2, 2013

Cheetah Twins

Kindergarten teacher Mary Paolazzi and Punch in school today.
Punch's teacher is a godsend. We're so grateful for her. And just now, she emailed me and H. this photo she titled Cheetah Twins. She and Punch both dressed to match by chance! H. got Punch's outfit a few weeks ago at Target. They find really cute stuff there.

Good night. 

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Salad, and wilted spinach.
  3. Going to bed now [after I do another huge pile of dishes]. Tired.
  4. Got gorgeous new bubble bath at Neiman Marcus and a billfold/wallet on sale to organize and clean up my life and spending. Think I will take bath before jumping into bed.
  5. H. playing his lute right now and it's soothing.


  1. She is PRECIOUS. My bag of clothes is getting full, and my next deadline is this week. Would it be too crazy to try and meet some time in the next two weeks? My fashionista is ready to pass things on to your fashionista. xo, Eileen

  2. Hi Eileen....thank you....yes, let's pick a date in the next two weeks. here are some that work for me: thursday dec. 12 or wed. dec. 18? i think? or tuesday dec. 17 if i leave 11 or after love alice
