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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wolf at My Door

Recovering from big scare. Am up late on a project. Took Sug out to tinkle one last time before bed at 1:30 a.m. This HUGE ANIMAL ran right up to us before we got off the doorstep.

I thought it was a WOLF. It was big and gray with skinny legs. I didn't see a collar, which made it even more potentially wolf like. It was sniffing Sugar like a cocktail snack.

I was so scared because I thought this MAYBE WOLF would attack us both. I scooped SUG up. Truth be told, the GIANT DOG I GUESS didn't growl, bare his teeth, raise his fur or anything aggressive. But he was trying to get into our house; it's cold and rainy out.

I retreated before Sug tinkled, took her inside. Then I heard the dog at our glass door again. I rang the bell to get help from H. but woke up Punchy, who was scared.

We are all fine now. But this brings back memories of the dark, rainy, drippy night like this one--it was a Sunday--when Figgy was little and we were returning from dinner at the Mernins'. When we got out of the car, I noticed a CREEPY white possum hanging upside down from one of the branches that hung over the driveway. Ugh.

I hope to make way tomorrow on another chapter or two of Anthony's life story! He is the former Franciscan monk who married and became a daring businessman who traveled the world. I have battled some writer's block.

Good night.

  1. Boot camp in the park.
  2. Popcorn for a snack.
  3. Steamed asparagus.
  4. I am scared/anxious/upset about something that feels/appears sad and painful. But I didn't eat sugar over it. That's a step in the right direction. I normally would try to self-soothe with chocolate or sweets.


  1. Wow. That IS scary. Did you call animal control? And that white possum story really creeps me out. I always get upset when I see deer pulled off to the side of the road. Nature can be both beautiful and frightening. Love, Lin

  2. Hi Lin. no, i didn't.....and i think the only time i ever hit a deer was driving on the NJ Turnpike with Sis one fall day when we were driving down to visit Aunt Edith when she was still young, healthy and independent. Love, Al

  3. P.S. my neighbor thinks it was one of the Huskies who live down the block....xo
