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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Good, Bad, Ugly

Mistakes were made today. Big mistakes.

Some things are changing, good and bad, and I have been eating without bounds. It's as though since parts of my life are galloping like a wild horse into uncharted territory, my food choices will follow. [Some shifts: Figgy's changing course with college and work; Punch having her first sleepover tonight with birth family, after 2 years; I plan to job hunt again in early fall, after completing Anthony's book; finances in flux; etc. etc.]

It's tricky. Take a look at this rogue day.

1. Some scrambled egg with our garden basil and tomato, made by Punch.
2. A lobster roll from Gus & Co. Seafood on Valley Road. Very good.
3. Even though Little Daisy Bake Shop is a few doors up from #2 and Sweet Home Montclair is across the street, I didn't go in for a rich brownie or chocolate malt balls. But I really did want to.
4. Stared down sour gummy candy on summer sale at Williams-Sonoma.
5. Pasta and meatballs for dinner, not too much.
6. Controlled portion of excellent dark chocolate-covered almonds--individual 270-calorie bag from CVS.
7. When offered free drink at hair salon, chose large ice water, not iced coffee with a lot of sweet creamer.

1. Bought sliced Jarlsberg Lite to be healthy but then ate A LOT of it on A LOT of pretzel crackers.
2. Followed up by big bowl of Kind peanut butter granola with some Divine dark chocolate in it, and organic 2 percent milk.
3. Plus small mason jar glass of that milk. I do love a nice cold glass of milk.

1. Figgy gave me some healthy eating ideas, since "I don't want you to die before you're 60." We agreed that moderate portions of nuts are good snacks. But I bought a small can of deluxe jumbo salted cashews and ate uncontrollably while on hold to pay health insurance bill. Lessons: Don't buy foods you can't seem to portion out and do have a big glass of ice water nearby when making a dreaded call. [I just had better things to do with my time.]
2. Punchy's leftover KitKat bar was in the freezer. No way. I ate it. 
3. Then I rummaged through the cabinet and ate a little pack of organic vanilla graham crackers that her Mimi sent home with her.

Gotta go. Tomorrow is another day and I plan to make healthier choices. Feel bad because Fig was just urging me to take care of myself. Beyond that, I felt sluggish and super large. Like my belly was leading the way, arriving places before I was. Oy. I want to remember that it feels good to make good food and drink choices. Good night.

Advice from you, my friends, would be welcome. Do you give into cravings? If I had gotten the rich bakery brownie, might I have sidestepped the Jarlsberg/cashew/KitKat/granola/mason jar of milk frenzy at home? Did I feel deprived and so then overindulged?

1. Boot camp. Hit 11,736 fitbit steps today.
2. Walked Sug around block.
3. Gardened.
4. Salon blowout.


  1. Personally, I find sugar to be the enemy, along with its close cousins of bread, pasta and rice. The only way I can control my eating is many many luscious vegetables and decent quantities of meat, and I use plenty of butter and olive oil. Over and over I've proven I can't have small portions of carbs.

    I will still have some sweets, but I generally try to keep them out of the house, and when I have any, it's last thing at night. No time to eat more.

    So this is Atkins. It works for me, it's perfectly healthy, and I find I eat more vegetables than most vegetarians. But I also only cook for myself most days. And tracking (through MyFitnessPal) is also key. I have slacked off for a couple of weeks, and almost immediately it begins to show.

    Think back to when you weren't eating sugar. Did that help?

  2. If you had gotten the rich bakery brownie, you still might have indulged in the Jarlsberg cashew KitKat granola mason jar of milk at home. So it was good to pass on those extra calories up front. It's sooo hard.. this darn weight thing. I go through periods where I am serious and unwavering in my commitment, then I lose a few, then it's back to feeling deprived again. I am trying to be moderate in my portion sizes while in those "coasting" times. Just remember not to beat yourself up about transgressions, just move on. Nan's point about the sugar is right - sugar does seem to create more sugar cravings. Good luck! Love ya, Linda

  3. Alice in the pictures above you look gorgeous.Diet is the most stressful thing we have to do everyday.Be kind to yourself and every so often reward Alice who is a wonderful wife &mother.
    Love Aunt Ann

  4. the one constant that helps is this: don't have it in the house. Now 9 months of hte year, I can control this. If you have girls at home (esp a little girl), that's tough. I def struggle more when the girls are all home and I am most tempted when I am outside the house.

  5. You are good friends, Kim, Lin, Nan and Ann....all three- letter names, too! I really thank you for the feedback, pun intended and not. I listened carefully to all you had to say. I went and bought an eggplant to roast for dinner with garden tomatoes and basil, plus some tilapia [Nan]; will be mindful to not beat myself up and be moderate in "coasting" times [Lin]; be kind to myself [Aunt Ann]; and did not buy the Oreos just now at Kings [Kim]. Thank you for caring and helping. Love, Alice

  6. P.S. Nan, you asked if it helped when I wasn't eating sugar. I am going to go back and read those blog posts....but what I do know is that I was able to eliminate a whole category of temptations in stores and restaurants, you know? I saved money and lost weight, and I think inches, since Punchy likes to test if she can reach and touch her hands behind my waist. Love, Alice

  7. I buy packages of individually wrapped low-fat cheese in bulk from Costco and have them with baby carrots for snacks.

    1. And Celia--you look like a beautiful 20 year old. I remember when you were expecting Ben, you carried around Nutrigrain bars. I, on other hand, had a craving for tuna melts made with Cheddar. :) What kind of cheese? I like this idea. thank you xoxoxo alice

    2. Cabot sharp cheddar, low fat. I also make a smoothie midmorning with 1/2 cup 2% fat Greek yogurt, 1 cup water, a handful of frozen strawberries and a handful of blueberries. And a teaspoon of almond butter. Cuts down on ice cream cravings.
