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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Made It to Mass 

Glad we did, even though we were late. I liked saying the "Our Father," hearing the choir, chatting w Punchy's friend's parents at coffee time. I liked seeing all the young children, and their moms in nice dresses, their slightly tired but very dedicated dads. Adults committed to passing their faith, and its rituals, down to the next generation. I liked seeing the ladies collecting money for the parish picnic next Sunday. Liked the small comforts--straw collection baskets, incense, candles. Faith, hope and love. Good night.

  1. Prayer.
  2. Walked dogs.
  3. Went to Whole Foods w a list and budgeted cost for each item, so I would not top the $100 cash I had. I did great by sticking to 365 brand and items on sale. I got a lot for the money. What I did not get: Impulse purchases like candles in jars, Mast Brothers excellent chocolate bars, ice cream for me [did get soy ice cream for Fig and two mochi for Punch],  cookies, fancy cheeses or craft butter, a cookbook, magazine or drink at the coffee bar. I spent about $98.50, and prices were so good that I could even throw in a nice, big, tender rotisserie chicken for $7.99. Affordable 365 brand products: Gallon of milk; big bag of coffee; cartons of juice and almond milk; Colby Jack cheese; firm tofu; dry pasta;; frozen berries; canned beans.
  4. Small Dina fruit and acai bowl at Juice Culture.
  5. Good dental care.
  6. Rested on couch, watched "I Love Lucy."

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