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Friday, September 15, 2017

Once Again, Good Night 

It's just that as the mother of a fourth grader at my age, I have to tap my energy reserves. And after the school picnic tonite, which was lovely, and doing dishes, I want to use the last part of my night watching tv (so rare for me) vs writing. I love storytelling, but every now and then, I want to flop on the couch and let the tv tell stories to me. Grateful for Punchy's great school community of friends, parents and teachers. Gnite.


  1. Walked Butter & Sugar around block.
  2. Gardened.
  3. Dropped off sweater for cleaning and black pants for mending.
  4. Spinach salad.
  5. Yummy fruit and acai bowl from Juice Culture.
  6. Bubble bath.

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