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Friday, June 15, 2018

Article Archive: My Sleep Apnea/CPAP Essay

Nora Ephron famously said, What's bad in life is good on paper. Meaning, of course, that rough turns can make compelling stories--and that readers/movie goers can probably relate. Her mother, Phoebe, a screenwriter, often told her young daughter, Everything is copy.

This essay isn't on paper, but it is copy. Stories don't have to be typed on paper anymore--my first editor, at Woman's Day Magazine, used to say things like Run it through the typewriter one more time. Now words flow into the world via clicks on a computer keyboard. And you can access them anywhere, from an airplane, the beach, your backyard.

My story is in the widely read "The Girlfriend" newsletter.

I hope you enjoy this ESSAY about the CPAP machine that I despise with all my heart.

Happy Friday evening.


  1. I just emailed the link to Joe, too. He has used a CPAP for a couple of years and no one is more thankful than I am! A good night's sleep for all! Love, Lin

    1. Hi Lin. Yes I often think of Joe showing me his cpap machine shortly before I got mine. So glad it has been working out for him. How was Niagara Falls? Love Al

  2. Wow, what a different voice! You are so positive and earnest and grateful and kind in your blog - very funny to hear cranky, honest Alice WHO DOES NOT LIKE the sleep apnea machine. But also informative and interesting - learned a lot, thanks!

    1. Thank you, Liz. My writing voice does vary....especially when I hate something as much as I hate this. ;) I also once wrote a "Metropolitan Diary" piece for the NY Times about the time Dan and I and his friend went to the last movie at the last drive-in in NJ and I remember that my best friend, Moey, said, "That doesn't sound like you." I wrote it in a condensed fashion and said we had to sneak around the back to get in, along with many other people. Oh well, glad you learned something from it. Glad you are home safe. Love Alice

    2. Liz, thank you for those kind words, like music to my ears..."positive, earnest, grateful and kind"--I actually don't know how I come across as a writer here, but that is how I feel in my heart most of the time, I think.

  3. Great job, Alice! I love it! And what a fun new outlet!

    1. Thank you, Kim. I hope the beach was fun. It seemed like a beautiful beach day. Love Alice

  4. Aww, Alice, that was fun to read!

    I tried to comment on the Punchy nutrition post but I think the comment got eaten. Your friend Kim had great advice. My main addition was to recommend Fairlife milk -- it has extra protein and calcium and really helped one of my kids pack on some needed pounds.
