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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Wild Mouse Coaster Memory


  1. Wonderful photo. See my baby today -Will has a few days off before field work assignments. He will be with his gf mostly, but there will be sightings!

  2. Peter stayed with the kids and we lived on my income until Will went to school. Then Peter was PT for a while and I got into the telework program, so with some after school programs and day camps during the summer, it worked. He had no flexibility when he went back to work, and I do, so I have worked nutty hours for years. I have a goal of working a straight 40 hour week and having my nights and weekends, but I am fighting a lot of years.

    1. So glad you will see your Will! Yes, I hear you—I admire your hard work. We all patch it together somehow, the child care game. When I worked 2 days a week freelancing at Sesame Street Parents Magazine in NYC, I enlisted my dad to pick Figgy up from preschool. Now I’m even more grateful they had that time together. Have a good day.

  3. Will sightings! The very best kind!
    great pic, Alice!
