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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hello from Starbucks, Holiday Cup in Hand feels good to check in on my blog before I dig into a writing assignment. Have four articles due for ASPIRE DESIGN AND HOME by Thursday night. Have my ducks in a row [most questions answered, queries met].

Punch had off from school today for Election Day....I don't think that's typical in our towns except maybe for presidential elections....? But I heard that with the current state of affairs [school shootings, terrible] that the thinking was it's not safe to have all those voters coming into the schools that serve as polling least not when the classrooms are full of children.

Can you see me? By the window? Little Rose Gold laptop? Bad hair day, no makeup, grande decaf latte by my side? Let me swipe some lipstick on in case you catch a glimpse. There, that's better.

Punchy's friend came over 9 a.m. before her mom took the bus to work.....this is a tough week in Montclair for parents who work outside the home because the public schools are also closed this Thursday and Friday for annual NJ Teachers' Convention. It was pouring part of the time.....the girls made slime [they've started a business together, selling it], keeping Punchy's room pretty clean in the process. A couple of batches were very alluring: "Butter Slime," tinted butter yellow and scented with perfumed lotion; and some gold as-of-yet-unnamed love slime infused with little gold hearts.

It could have been a long 6 hours til Punchy's nice friend's sitter came to get her at 4, so thankfully, when the rain was pouring down, I remembered the $5 before 5 p.m. movies in Clifton at the Allwood Cinema and we went to see the 11:50 a.m. showing of "Smallfoot," a funny animated movie about a yeti--a whole civilization of them, from the Stone Age. It was really good. And it featured a leading female character with a scientific/analytical mind. Not just courage under a crown or gown, which is more predictable, but a brainy way about her.
This is the brilliant Meechee.
Anyway, that was my day, and when my sitter arrived at 3 p.m., I read and rested a little; drove to therapy appt. [code word Private Benjamin, just because, and it was very helpful]; went to vote; stopped at Le Salbuen on Walnut Street to buy two decadent-looking gluten-free chocolate desserts to drop off for my friend's GF mom, who was recuperating; drove here to work. Dan and I often have to extract ourselves from the house to focus and get our work done. It was my turn this evening.

Well, I guess, let's face it.....I love blogging and am procrastinating on my deadlines.....told Dan I would be home by 9 but now it might be later. Tomorrow, plan to get up early and walk straight into town to work after Punch steps onto the schoolbus by 8:45.....just called my friend/sitter Elaine and booked four hours for Thursday, from noon to 4......

I have often zoomed to the Cape [with young Fig; Dad; Dan; my friend, Anne; Nikki; Punch; Sug [some or all of the above] on this November teacher's convention weekend, but the stars were not in their courses this time. Nikki doesn't have off these days, Punch has a long-planned play date and soccer this Saturday and I have this work deadline. Plus, I probably shouldn't spend extra money.....and my friend Meggy in Vermont has been saying for years that there is a big craft fair she loves every year on the weekend before Thanksgiving and wants me to go....I'm toying with driving up with Punch, who has never been to Vermont.

But I always embraced a four-day weekend from school to drive to the edge of the earth and see that powerful ocean, and all the Cape Cod trappings...

Well, I better sign off. Hope all is well in your corner of the world.


  1. Working at office on training project keeps me too busy to check news as I do when teleworking, so yesterday bearable. I am not hugely sad, because there is change, but I am sad, because so many truly terrible people were re-elected. Since Trump is corrupt and a liar and racist and dangerously ignorant, why would anyone vote Republican? It is just beyond me.

    1. I hear you. Punch has a couple of "hate Trump" buttons she bought at the "hippie store" on Cape Cod this summer. She cannot wear them to school, of course. What I tell her, though, is that this is a democracy. We are entitled to vote for who we want and she can't hate people because they or their parents [or grandparents] voted for Trump. She is inclined to judge them. Yes, he is a liar, corrupt and a buffoon [with Pokahontas (sp) comment and many others]. Obama was great. But......this is America, I tell myself. I can't quite figure out who wanted Trump and it does scare me that so many people did because he seems unsafe and dangerous.

