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Thursday, January 17, 2019

I Will Stay Afloat 

I will not go under because I’m worried about someone else.
About someone younger, whose ocean will continue to crest and crash.
To rise up and retreat.
As all oceans do.
I am a strong swimmer through life.
I will stay afloat.
And model strong strokes for her.

Thank you for listening.

  1. Noticed pretty blue bird at feeder Figgy put in back garden.
  2. Read NY Times.
  3. Did delicate wash, so Wolford and Commando tights are ready to roll.
  4. Booked blowout for tomorrow.
  5. Lined up my sitter so I can go to 4:30 Friday gentle yoga class. I need flexibility, physically and philosophically.
  6. Walked Sug around grassy island on block. Felt good for both of us.
  7. Recovered giant pine cone w PB and slivered almonds for birds and hung it back up in dwarf apple tree, using piece of satin ribbon.
  8. Important reading.
  • Gas for car, $20 and $1 tip for attendant who filled tank. [This is New Jersey--full service.] I learned this from Moey's mom in Dumont when I was a teen--she tipped the gas station guy. Now I do it if it's boiling hot, snowing, or pouring rain, if I have a dollar bill. Today it was cold out. $21.
  • Convenience fee for paying that parking ticket [from last night] online. $1.
  • McDonald's drive-through on way home from gymnastics with Punchy, 8:10 p.m. She was hungry and I still had to go to CVS to get her ADHD Rx for school tomorrow and did not want to cook. It was cute; she knew Fig was having two girlfriends over and ordered a large fries for them. She gave her Oreo McFlurry to one of the [nonvegan] girls, too. $15.43.
  • CVS, milk, 4 KIND bars, raisins, chocolate milk for Punch, Dawn dishwashing soap. $16.41.
TOTAL: $53.84.