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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday Tracking

  • At 6 p.m., $14.93 at Marcel, Middle Eastern spot in town with nice space for laptops [except when they are banned, from 11 to 2:30 maybe?], plus $1.07 for tip jar. This was for Mama's Chicken Stew over basmati rice with side green salad and a fresh mint tea. My sitter/friend is home with Punch and a playmate, and I needed some space to think and organize my work thoughts. I DID NOT hear when the counterperson said at about 7 p.m. that the pastries are now buy one/get one free, since the place closes 7:30 tonight. Did not partake. I'm noticing how this money issue and this overeating issue go hand in hand. Don't want to spend extra money, so less tempting to get two pastries for the price of one. Punchy won't eat them--who am I kidding? And if she does, she will take days to nibble away.....I can't have them in the house. 
  • Please note: I go to therapy on alternate Tuesday afternoons, and I am not listing the charge for that here, though it is money spent out of pocket. 
  • Likewise, last night, we put down a deposit for Punch to attend a week of summer day camp in August at the Wellfleet Bay Audubon on Cape Cod! Figgy went for many years and loved it. So basically, I'm not putting family household or health bills here, just money spent out of pocket for purchases. I might list out of pocket co-pays at dr. offices, not sure.
Total: $16.


  1. Agree as to both - overspending similar to overeating, and point is not to starve but to note good from bad. I am sorry to say still eating the sugary treats.

    1. Life is just one big learning curve and who has all the answers, anyway?
