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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sick as a (Sea) Dog

It might be food poisoning. I sampled a lot of this and that at the farmers market yesterday...kind of a jumble of things, from cheese spreads to crumpets.

Feel weak and sick. Hard to hold head up. Missed early Mass in Belfast church, family breakfast at Mike and Therese's, walk with Sheila, visit with Martha and now, family dinner out with all of the brothers. Bummer.

Can't keep food down.

Hope you are good.


  1. On vacation, how awful! So sorry to see this. Hope by the time you see this, it has passed thru your system. And I agree it sounds like food poisoning.

    1. Liz, thank you. Thank God, I felt better by last night. I hope I never get that sick again. Hope all is going well. Love Alice

  2. so sorry to hear! I actually have a doozy of a cold, but honestly food poisoning sounds so much more awful!
    Glad things are looking up.

    1. Kim, thank you. I am better but it was ugly. I hope you are better soon. xo Alice
