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Monday, June 14, 2021

Pillow Talk in Delicious Living Color

Dan suggested Doris Day in “The Glass Bottom Boat” but we agreed from watching the trailer that it just looked too goofy, even for retro/kitsch lovers like us.

So he put on “Pillow Talk” from 1959 (Amazon Prime Video). I had seen part of the movie once, years ago. This choice was a gift to me from my husband, and I was grateful. 

We had done some evening gardening--untangling pervasive vines from the lilacs and lilies--so this was relaxing. Dan soon pulled out the New York Times crossword and a pen while I studied the set and hairstyle changes....

So much to love in this rom-com:

  • Jan’s (Doris Day’s) suits with pencil skirts and fitted jackets, strapless evening dresses, fur stoles, necklaces and hats. WOW. And the sherbet colors, plus blacks, plus occasional feathers in the hats.
  • Brad’s (Rock Hudson’s) bachelor pad/girl trap with spiral staircase, built-in fireplace and switches that release a sofa bed; turn off the lights; lower a needle to play a record; and lock the door (that last one is questionable now).
  • The very idea that they share a party line on the telephone. Remember those?
  • The colors in Jan’s apartment and countertop and wall, sunny yellow robe.
  • New York City!!!! Checkered yellow cabs, fancy night life, a beautiful Black female jazz singer in “The Hidden Door” club and flash-through of date places: Statue of Liberty, Circle Line boat ride, etc.
  • View of Central Park at night, from a hotel window.
  • Very clever, twisty plot. Excellent writing.
  • Tony Randall as Brad’s best friend from college and Thelma Ritter as the maid (she was great in “Miracle on 34th Street” and “Rear Window”).
  • The country house in Connecticut, again with a supercool fireplace.
  • Jan’s bio as a high-profile interior decorator who grew up in Milwaukee.
  • Just everything.
Good night.