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Friday, May 24, 2024


I've been busy writing (remotely, with a phone interview and photographs) about a Southern California home overlooking rocky cliffs and a sandy cove. The owners can see Malibu. I love Malibu. And it's not just because my first Barbie of my very own, not Sis's hand-me-down, was Malibu Barbie (blonde, suntanned, and I think she came with a tiny beach towel, not sure). She even had the bendable leg joints.

It's also because I've been to Malibu twice, briefly, once with Moey/Debbie/Annie when we were in our 20s and had our first jobs and once by myself when I flew to California for a work trip several years back.

Very pretty. Paradise.

In other news, I started weeding the gardens, and Dan started sowing his pumpkin patch, and that feels good.

Good night.  


  1. Do the photos show any differences from your last visit? I am trying to recall the natural disaster that hit Malibu a decade ago- wildfires? But I remember celebrities hosting fundraisers. The ocean views were out of this world.
    Weeding is a big deal - we had a ton of rain, they are everywhere. I must ask my gardener friend to come do a poison ivy check before I engage.

    1. Hi Liz. I will search for that Malibu natural disaster. I don't remember. I love so much for everything! But I did see the actual paper at the supermarket last week and I did want to hold it and read it. Yes, poison ivy and poison oak. Ugh. Dan is susceptible. Love Alice

  2. I’ve not been to Malibu, just seen all the movies shot there. But my girl loves California, north and south.

    Gardening has been where most of my time and energy are this spring. A couple notes on my garden blog (linked from my other blog). I love seeing the progress from weeding and from planting. It’s very restorative to the soul.

  3. Hi Nan. I love that your girl is in California!!!!!!!! True riches to experience living there, I imagine. Will check garden blog. Do any movies come top of mind that were shot in Malibu? Want to watch. I think "Barbie" was at least partly in Venice Beach, when they roller skate? Not sure. Love Alice
