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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Prom Countdown

"Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress" episode photo from "I Love Lucy." I doubt that will happen to Punchy but you never know! 

Punchy, 17, is going to Romeo's senior prom in Wayne this evening. I'm not allowed to post a photo of her in the dress yet. She tried it on twice. I guess you don't post the dress ahead of time now, at least in her case.

Mimi (her dad's mom) is driving up after work, for a photo window. Figgy plans to come after work, too.

It feels like a scaled-down wedding--by that I mean a focused and happy event, Dan and I coordinating car time to rush Punch to hair and nail appointments, purse shopping, the young man getting a jacket, etc., and that is good. We have ridden the crashing waves of many scary or sad moments in Punch's life sea but this is a joyous, "normal" one. I hope she and Romeo surf smoothly. Yet of course, I still worry--about after parties, alcohol, driving. I have already and will again address the matter with both teens involved.

The fancy manicure, two-tone with little rhinestones, was carefully crafted by a nail artist in her pretty at-home salon yesterday. (It took over two hours. Mimi funded it.) It's 12:22 and Dan is on a dash with Punch to CVS for silver hoop earrings and fake lashes, plus a purse at the mall. Starting at 1 p.m., pedicure, brow tint, hair trim and styling. She has to shower before all that. After hair, time for Punch to do her makeup.

Everyone is different. And while Punchy has a sharp, astute brain, she doesn't overexercise it for school. She is a capable athlete, but I have to twist her arm mostly to get her to the Y for a class or to the gymnastics place for an open tumbling session. But Punchy is a master at makeup. In a good way. Honestly, she is.

The nails....they are superlong, a trend these days. The family member who really digs them is our cat, Nina, whose green eyes dance and spin like saucers at the sparkly little jewels on teen queen's talons.

We picked up the pretty dress and shoes Tuesday after school. We did layaway at David's Bridal in Paramus, where Romeo's glamorous young mom has had a big position for years. She was very helpful, gracious and knowledgeable. As in, just the right shoes, black satin platform sandals with rhinestone buckles, which I wasn't inititally drawn to but love now. 

I have to go check my work emails. Hope to report back later.


  1. ooh, post photos!

  2. that was me, Kim

  3. What fun! The two boys got nice suits (not really tuxes) and were done. Though actually, I remember the big boy did get a stylish haircut. My girl went with a crowd, not a date, and they all prepped together. I wasn’t invited, but the other parents shared photos.

    Our high school puts on a big Afterprom party, in the school. Entry by midnight, must stay until 4 am, huge fun and all 3 went. Keeps them locked up during the most dangerous time. I volunteered for decorating and early morning cleanup, because the kids didn’t want me lurking while they were there, and it literally takes hundreds of parents to make it fun enough the kids want to go and stay.

    Waiting for some pics of your Punchy!

    1. Hi Nan. Yes, for Junior Prom, Figgy went with her group of friends. The idea of them all getting ready together sounds great. That seems to be so much of the fun. I remember Fig's friend coming to our house and Fig did her makeup.

      That afterprom party sounds perfect. Punch and Romeo came right home, and I'm glad they were safe. I will post pictures soon!

      And I love that you helped with prep and cleanup. Those are two VIP PTA behind-the-scenes jobs. All hands on deck. At Montclair High School, we have the tradition of Project Graduation. After the cap and gown ceremony, the kids get into yellow schoolbuses that ride around town and honk and everyone waves etc etc. Some groups of families and friends gather together to watch. And then the grads are taken to "a secret location" that is usually some place with good food, games, music, etc but no alcohol. I'm not sure about phones. I think they stay until 4 a.m. or later, as you say. Lots of fundraisers support Project Graduation so it is free for all of the kids. A mum sale in the fall. T-shirts, sweatshirts, parent gatherings. I remember making some really nice tarts for one of the parent parties in 2013, when Figgy was a senior. TTYL. Love Alice

  4. Love dress up occasions, esp when young people let you share the fun. Glad your girl has a super power! Good at makeup is one I envy. Enjoy the calm among the storms.
