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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weather Wrinkles Delay Girls’ Trip Flight

Eight of us are converging in Asheville, North Carolina for a four-night trip.   

Six of us are there but Nancy and I have been stranded in Newark Airport since 2:30 p.m. yesterday. Her connecting flight from Maine was tight anyway and then delayed. I waited with her for the next flight to Asheville Airport and our other two friends flew on down. We were booked onto a 7:15 p.m. that was changed to 9:45 p.m. and then cancelled due to stormy weather. Good thing we get along. :)

We an airport area hotel now waiting a dog’s age to check in. The clock struck 12 two min ago.

We are on standby for afternoon seats tomorrow, 2:15 p.m. flight. This is crazy.

Hot, then drizzly, bright green knotted sundress strap slipping uncomfortably while we schlepped rollies and bags around the airport to find a customer service kiosk, an agent, anything. 

It’s a long story. But we crossed paths w travelers coming from or going to Portugal, Greece, Cincinnati and what we guessed was Bermuda, based on his tropical shirt.

It was early rise today at 6:45 to dry my delicate laundry and finish packing. I can’t wait to get some rest.

Good night.


  1. Yikes! The flip side of travel! But at least you are together, and sometime (today) it will work out. Good luck!

  2. You’ll forget all about the travel stress once you and your friends are together in NC!

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  4. Glad to see this knowing it was temporary, and you made it to NC! Hope Maine fun too.
