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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Calming Breezes in the Carolina Hills

Janet, Chris, me, Mary, Barb, Jill, Denise and Nancy in Asheville after dinner at The Noodle Shop.

One of my friends took this beautiful photo.

We took a 1.5 mile round trip hike on one of the trails off the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway. Really lovely and fresh. So different from life at home. Freeing, nurturing, supportive and fun to be with these ladies. We have known each other for most of our lives. We work as: accountant, scientists, math teacher, schoolteacher to little ones, hard-working mother, recent college provost. Four of us are grandmothers now.

Today is the last of 4 nights in the Airbnb. We are sad to part but toying with plans for next June.

I still have until Saturday with Nancy (exploring Asheville and then heading back to Maine with her, then meeting my family there for niece Leah and Greg's wedding and six more nights). Janet and Jill will be with us a few hours tomorrow too but Barb, Denise, Mary and Chris depart early early in the morning to make their flights. 

Chris, left, and Mary, right. Adding this photo because the second group shot captures Mary in an awkward position and I want to make up for that!

Other things:

  1. We played Scattergories in teams. Fun. Personalities and pleading came out. Barb was the judge if we squabbled. 
  2. We made tacos, black beans and salad last night. Jill brought farm eggs and freshly grown summer squash, cucumbers and zucchini from her daughter.
  3. I looked very heavy in a sitting photo and I felt sad.
  4. I have been sad about recent Romeo and Juliet break. I pray for them both to be held safely in God's hands.
  5. I have been worried about how Juliet will manage. Dan told me to stop getting lost in it. I am trying. It is not my relationship, not my young life path. 
  6. I've been in touch with dear Figgy.
  7. We went to the Biltmore Estate today. Such opulence, and history. Gilded Age. Jill bought tickets ahead for $90 each (Tuesday rate). 
  8. The "boozy milkshakes" whipped up with ice cream made at the Biltmore looked good but we didn't get any--or cones or sundaes. It was okay. I'm not 14 or 24 anymore.
  9. I had a North Carolina BBQ sandwich.
  10. We lit local beeswax tea lights at the table.
  11. We visited the Biltmore Winery and shops.
  12. I saw some pretty Carolina style on tourists at the Biltmore. Nice pedis and hair, a lacy white tunic over mid-length pants.
  13. I made a friend while sitting enjoying the mountain view: Linda, a mom from Ohio who was there with her three grown daughters. My friends were walking the gardens in the hot sun and so were Linda's three daughters. I talked to her about the Punchy situation and she was supportive and wise about faith and life.
  14. I'm thinking of my kindergarten/lifelong friends Moey and Fritch.
Going to rest. Good night.


  1. I love this about travel, the time to reflect and the distance from the noise of your everyday life. I also really enjoyed Asheville. The town was cute, Biltmore was fun, but mostly that gorgeous Blue Ridge Parkway. I'd like to go back. As for Juliet, I have no wise words. I, too, struggle with letting my kids walk their paths. It's hard. I am hoping for you the fallout isn't too tough at home. -Kim

    1. I forgot about your trip to Asheville, Kim! I know Y and A lived in N.C. Xo Alice

  2. Oooh, this sounds great! What a big mass of friends. I don’t have 7 friends that know each other, but this sounds like my family trips. Agree unstaged photos not our friends anymore. Delete from phone and memory! Please, please be offhand about the breakup- Juliet is so much more than her relationship with a man! You can say, sorry it hurts but you learned a lot and will be in a better place in all your relationships, not just the romantic ones. It’s is like controlling your gasps when the toddler fell and looked to you for the response - don’t create drama. Peter good at this, I am learning.

    1. Liz all I can say is you are very wise wabbit. Thank you very much for those insights. Yes. Yes.
      Love Alice. Right, when they fell as little ones, the first things we said were “You’re okay” not o my God how will you ever learn to walk and hold yourself up?

  3. love this exchange, Liz and Alice! SUCH a good reminder! --Kim
