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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walking Tall

Breathed in some cold, fresh February air today. Felt good. Must get back to walking on days when I don't have boot camp. Walked to and from an afternoon appointment. It gave me time to think, a gift in my day.

It took me maybe 20 minutes tops each way, but sneaker hitting pavement somehow allows for better contemplation than key turning in ignition and foot pressing gas pedal, especially since I usually run late. Today, I built in enough time to walk.

Also, the better to view the rosebush in front of the house on Norwood, which is dead now but will burst forth in the spring; the row of hedges; the two young boys, one holding a bright blue football, cutting through someone's yard; the cracks in the sidewalks and bumps in the asphalt; the mom walking her son home and saying something about gravity; and the two tween-age girls perched high in a tree, who stopped talking when they saw me see them, then resumed their conversation once I passed.

Trying, trying to keep things in perspective and accentuate the positive. Doing the best I can. Good night.

  1. Got my hair colored! Bye bye, inches of gray.
  2. Bought pink bubble-sleeve tunic/dress at Barbara Eclectic, to wear over black leggings when I fly this week. Need black leggings with support to help flatten stomach. Never had anything with bubble sleeves before; I think I like them. Also read that pink makes the wearer and the people around her/him feel better.
  3. Walk to and from appt., plus around block with Sug.
  4. Private Benjamin.
  5. Did load of delicates, with Woolite.
  6. Nice cuppa hot cocoa.
  7. Salad, out with H.

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